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                                                                                               As a personnal fitness trainer recognized by the American Weightlifting Association with "Best Technique" and champion in North America , I am providing a personnilized training service that will enable you to reach your goals in fitness and physical performance.

Step by step, you will learn efficient techniques customized for your fitness needs.

 That personnal fitness plan will provide an optimum progression that will prevent injuries, exhaustion and burnout.

Your customized fitness plan, rigourous as well as motivating, improves all aspects or an healthful lifestyle, both physically , emotionnaly, intellectually, professionaly and sportively, the results ara undeniable:

  • Improvment in body posture and appearrance
  • Improvment in concentration and coordination
  • Improvment in strenght, endurance and speed
  • Improvment of athletic performances

Take an appointment right now: Contact me                                                       Plan for your success : Products

Éric Chevrier, personnal trainer, counselor in physical fitness an international athletic in weight lifting.



To assist you ?

Eric Chevrier, Personal trainer